Global Action with Local Impact: Why Advocacy Matters

Global Action with Local Impact: Why Advocacy Matters
The report details strategies used and outcomes achieved by five  constituency-led global network organizations focused on key populations, providing numerous case study examples illustrating the concrete impact of advocacy at the global level.

The report focuses on global-level work conducted as part of the Bridging the Gaps program, an international multi-agency effort devoted to achieving universal access to HIV services and ensuring full human rights for key populations. Supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the program is a collaboration between five Dutch-based organizations, five global key population networks, and 80 grassroots organizations across 16 countries.

Year of publication: 

Сложные решения: инструмент принятия этических решений для работников, обеспечивающих уход и поддержку

Сложные решения: инструмент принятия этических решений для работников, обеспечивающих уход и поддержку
Международный рабочая группа заполнено глобального программирования разрыв с выпуском испытана и утверждена этического инструмент принятия решений для использования в организациях ВИЧ на уровне общин. Инструмент , называемый “Трудные решения,” является результатом тщательного процесса три года, а предназначен для сотрудников или коллег работника поддержки использования, когда сталкиваются с этической дилеммой. Но он был разработан в консультации с ведущими специалистами по этике – от населения однозначно, пострадавших от ВИЧ: людям, употребляющим наркотики, секс-работников, трансгендеров и геев или других мужчин, имеющих секс с мужчинами. И, что примечательно, она включает в себя ссылку на дилемм, касающихся их детей.

В докладе также доступна на французском, английском и испанском языках.


Year of publication: 

Décisions difficiles: Un outil pour la prise de décisions éthiques à l’intention des personnes aidantes

Décisions difficiles: Un outil pour la prise de décisions éthiques à l’intention des personnes aidantes
Un groupe de travail international a comblé une lacune de programmation globale avec la sortie d’un outil de prise de décision éthique testé et validé pour utilisation dans les organisations communautaires liés au VIH. L’outil, appelé ‘décisions difficiles,’ est le résultat d’ un processus rigoureux de trois ans, et est conçu pour un travailleur de soutien employé ou pairs à utiliser lorsqu’ils sont confrontés à un dilemme éthique. Mais il a été conçu en consultation avec les principaux spécialistes de l’éthique par – populations touchées par le VIH unique: les gens qui utilisent des drogues, les travailleurs du sexe, les personnes transsexuelles et les hommes homosexuels ou les hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec des hommes. Et, notamment, il comporte des références à des dilemmes concernant leurs enfants. 

Le rapport est également disponible en anglais, russe, et espagnol.

Year of publication: 

Decisiones Difíciles: Una Herramienta para Proveedores de Apoyo para la Salud o Servicios Sociales

Difficult Decisions: A Tool for Care Workers (Spanish)
Un grupo de trabajo internacional ha llenado un vacío de programación mundial con el lanzamiento de una herramienta de toma de decisiones ética probado y validado para su uso en las organizaciones basadas en la comunidad del VIH. La herramienta, llamada ‘ decisiones difíciles’, es el resultado de un riguroso proceso de tres años , y está diseñado para un empleado o compañero trabajador de apoyo para utilizar cuando se enfrentan a un dilema ético. Pero que fue diseñado, en consulta con los principales especialistas en ética por las poblaciones afectadas de forma única por el VIH : las personas que usan drogas , trabajadores sexuales, personas transgénero y hombres gay y otros hombres que tienen sexo con hombres. Y, sobre todo, se incluye una referencia a los dilemas que afectan a sus hijos.

El kit de herramientas también está disponible en francés, ruso, y inglés.

Year of publication: 

Difficult Decisions: A Tool for Care Workers

Difficulot Decisions: A Tool for Care Workers
An international working group has filled a global programming gap with the release of a tested and validated ethical decision-making tool for use in community-based HIV organizations. The tool, called ‘Difficult Decisions’, is the result of a rigorous three-year process, and is designed for an employee or peer support worker to use when faced with an ethical dilemma. But it was designed—in consultation with leading ethicists—by populations uniquely affected by HIV: people who use drugs, sex workers, transgender people and gay men or other men who have sex with men. And, notably, it includes reference to dilemmas involving their children.

The toolkit is also available in French, Russian, and Spanish.

Year of publication: 

Male Sex Work: Briefing Paper 08

Male Sex Work: Briefing Paper 08
The Male Sex Work briefing paper focuses on the main issues faced by male sex workers (MSW) globally and highlights some of the advocacy and activism efforts by male sex worker communities that have challenged these issues. The paper is intended for those who make policy, design and implement programmes, and work directly with MSW in the hope of increasing awareness and understanding of the multiple realities and needs of this community. This paper is also intended as an advocacy tool for NSWP member groups to utilise in their attempts to raise awareness across the world of the needs of MSW and advocate for their rights from the grassroots community level to global forums for change.
Year of publication: 

MSMIT: A Comprehensive Guide for Implementing Sexual Health Interventions with Men Who Have Sex with Men

MSMIT: A Comprehensive Guide for Implementing Sexual Health Interventions with Men Who Have Sex with Men
‘MSMIT: A Comprehensive Guide … ‘ is a new and critical tool for implementing comprehensive sexual health services with men who have sex with men has been developed by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund and MSMGF (The Global Forum on MSM & HIV), together with UNDP, WHO, USAID, PEPFAR, and BMGF with contributions from over 100 experts from around the world.
Year of publication: 

الجهر أدوات – Aali Soutak 2: ‘Speaking Out’ Toolkit

Aali Soutak 2: An Arabic Language Adaptation of the Speaking Out Toolkit
The Global Forum on MSM and HIV (MSMGF), in partnership with Marsa Health Center (Beirut) is pleased to launch Aali Soutak, an Arabic language adaptation of the Speaking Out toolkit. Originally developed in French in 2010 by the MSMGF and the Moroccan organization ALCS, this toolkit is designed for use by all organizations in the Arabic-speaking world that advocate for the right to health of MSM. It is the first Arabic-language advocacy toolkit to address the rights and needs of key populations in the HIV epidemic response.
Year of publication: