First Ever Global Conference on Transgender People and HIV

The IRGT: A Global Network of Trans Women and HIV, is hosting the first ever global Transgender Pre-Conference on 17 July 2016. The Pre-Conference will take place immediately prior to the International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa. Since its inception, the IRGT has worked largely around the International AIDS Conference to develop advocacy strategies and to create networking opportunities towards advancing the priority concerns of trans communities worldwide. Composed of members from diverse parts of the world, the IRGT is responsible for initiating and promoting advocacy on trans health and rights as they relate to HIV/AIDS.

The theme of this year’s Pre-Conference is “No more lip service, trans access, equity and rights, now!” in recognition of the long struggle for equitable inclusion of trans people at this important global convening. IRGT intends to use the occasion as an opportunity to connect our network of advocates with donors, policy and research experts, and government officials, as well as to disseminate and to orient attendees to the TRANSIT. In addition, IRGT is organizing a networking zone in the Global Village, which will run during the week of AIDS 2016. IRGT plans to use that space to hold discussions about TRANSIT, to highlight the important work being done by trans led organizations around the world and forge stronger connections between our network of advocates.

More info to come!

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One Comment

  1. I am a PLHIV community leader in a rural setting in Uganda. I have registered some LGBTs in my district. They have NO information,lubricants and they are not allowed to be. How could you support;psychosocially,materially and financially to run activities of advocacy for the rights?

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