No More Lip Service: What does this moment mean to you? Alexandra Rodriguez, Mexico

Tell us a little about your organization and the work you do?

I am a freelance consultant on gender and sexuality and I do advocacy work for transgender individuals as well as trans-migrants, sex workers and transwomen living with HIV

Why is the Trans Pre-Conference exciting to you?

Because it is a great opportunity to network and exchange ideas, information and knowledge with other people from all over the world

What is important about this moment in global trans advocacy and activism?

To give visibility to the the great need of services and health care specifically for transgender individuals.

What changes do you want to see in your local community and the global trans community after the Pre-Conference?

I would like to see more health care accesible to trans people and to be specifically for transgender men and women. Also, I like to see more community outreach to work on HIV prevention and more programs to empower transwomen, transmigrants and trans sexworkers.

Also, I think it is time now that trans people are classified individually and be separated from the “MSM” spectrum. Now more than ever it is imperative to recognize that transgender women of color are some of the populations more affected by HIV and AIDS.

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