No More Lip Service: What does this moment mean to you? Kanyanta Kakana, Zambia

Tell us a little about your organization and the work you do?

I work as an independent trans advocate in Zambia with a focus on advocacy around the trans identity, HIV and the health and human rights of trans individuals.

Why is the Trans Pre-Conference exciting to you?

The Trans Pre-Conference is existent to me to be seen and utilized as a space to teach as well as learn about different contexts of trans people around the world with a focus of key intersecting issues affecting the trans community.

What is important about this moment in global trans advocacy and activism?

They are many things that are significant about this moment in global trans advocacy and activism. one thing I would say is important is the inclusion of trans people in different bodies and systems of many different societies and contexts. Visibility is playing a huge role in this as it is helping with the enforcement and the fighting for the rightful inclusions in these spaces to provide for the accurate needs of trans people.

What changes do you want to see in your local community and the global trans community after the Pre-Conference?

More of the conversation around inclusion happening as well as the strategic planning of this going forward providing assurance for trans people going forward.

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