No More Lip Service: What does this moment mean to you? EriKa Castellanos, Belize

Tell us a little about your organization and the work you do?

I am a member and country focal point for the Latin-American and Caribbean Network of Trans People (REDLACTRANS). REDLACTRANS main goals is to improve the quality of life of Transgender people in the region. Our main activities include public education/sensitization to reduce stigma and discrimination, advocacy for implementation of gender identity laws int he region and respect of our human rights with an emphasis on health.

Why is the Trans Pre-Conference exciting to you?

The Trans pre-conference is exciting since it will give us an opportunity to learn and network with other trans organizations globally in addition to providing us with a space to share the work we do in the region.

What is important about this moment in global trans advocacy and activism?

With the Global momentum and focus on Trans issues we should ensure that our needs are met and we should be united in a global voice to adequately advocate for the necessary changes we need. This pre-conference is the perfect platform for developing this common agenda and building on our strengths.

What changes do you want to see in your local community and the global trans community after the Pre-Conference?

I would like to see a Global Trans community that builds in our differences and works from a strengths perspective to identify a common ground for trans activist globally. In my region I wish for the beginning of a global engagement and successful networking.

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