No More Lip Service: What does this Moment Mean to You? Simran Shaikh, India

Tell us a little about your organization and the work you do?

India HIV/AIDS Alliance (Alliance India) is a non-governmental organisation that builds capacity, provides technical support and advocates to strengthen the
delivery of effective, innovative, rights-based, community-based HIV programmes to vulnerable populations affected by the AIDS epidemic. The organization works closely with National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), State AIDS Control Society (SACS), and community-based organizations in an effort to build an AIDS free society. Our mission is to support community action to prevent HIV infection, meet the challenges of AIDS, and build healthier communities.

Why is the Trans Pre-Conference exciting to you?

Pre Conference on Transgender issues is happening for the first time in history. Henceforth as a transgender activist from India who belong to Hijra culture is extremely important to be present to discuss crucial issues around Asia Pacific communities.

What is important about this moment in global trans advocacy and activism?

As mentioned before this trans conference is going to raise the crucial issues around trans leadership and involvement in the lager global context. it will also create new opportunities for advocacy, networking and prioritizing trans agenda in the AIDS response.

What changes do you want to see in your local community and the global trans community after the Pre-Conference?

After the Pre conference I anticipate actions and leaderships around trans issues. I also anticipate that in AIDS response transgender issues will be high lighted strongly, more resources will be invested and it will bring a young leadership in action. It will influence the stakeholders and police makers to act rather then just giving lip services.

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